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A shell script is included, which will download the data files and start an example rendering with the config file Config/config.txt.
If the plain command "assoc" is entered, you will get a list of what file types correspond to the extensions currently registered on the system. The list can be quite long so it is best to redirect to a file or to pipe to the "more" command so that one full screen at a time can be viewed assoc > list.txt or assoc | more The Most Popular and Useful Google Scripts Download Tweets Permanently – specify any hashtag and the script will download and save all matching tweets to a spreadsheet. Save Gmail as PDF – The script will save the body of an email message as a PDF file. You can optionally send the converted PDF to your email address. BTW, I need to loop through lots of PDF files in a single folder. If someone here even has a VBA script to convert a PDF to a Word doc, please share it. I can run it, loop through the files in the folder, convert all to Word docs, and then read the contents of each into an array of Excel cells. Use this to embed your PDF file without save and print options [code]